50 Cent Clowns Bow Wow’s Latest Misfortune

50 Cent is quite fond of clowning on Bow Wow and spent a chunk of last year trolling Bow for acting the fool during a Tycoon Weekend trip to the strip club.

So of course Fif couldn't resist weighing in when a clip of Bow of falling right into a stage hole during a Millennium Tour stop in Philadelphia started circulating.

"Damn it man, BOW WOW can’t come to TYCOON falling off the stage and sh!t. NAH stay home," he typed.

Bow must really want to come back to Tycoon Weekend because he responded by hyping up one of Fif's liquor brands.

"Thats what happens when u drink that f*cking branson cognac before the concert. Thanks fif! Im never drinking that sh!t again ???," he commented on 50's post.

Posted In: Beef 50 Cent Bow Wow