50 Cent To Sue French Montana For Leaking Power Episode: Report

If you know anything about 50 Cent, you know he wields his lawyers like weapons.

French Montana may soon be on the other side of Fif's litigious savagery.

Amid their Bugatti Battle, French leaked spoilers of 50 Cent's show Power on Instagram before it aired.

According to an "insider", 50 and Starz are furious and the legal team has been activated.

“What French did was outrageous and illegal, we’re going after him. It’s pretty cut and dry, from a legal standpoint. He’s going to have to pay millions for this.”

The report is somewhat unverified, but it sounds like something Fif would do.

We'd say French is going to have to sell his Bugatti if he loses, but we've learned from 50 that he actually doesn't own it.

Posted In: Legal 50 Cent French Montana