Kicking up dust once again is Candace Owens who decided today was the day to make Lance Bass her next target. The controversial conservative often rubs people the wrong with her remarks, and most recently she went viral after sharing a video of herself condemning George Floyd’s character. Candace Owens wasn’t happy to see that the public made Floyd some sort of icon when, in her eyes, he was a longtime criminal with a substance abuse problem.

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Candace has returned and this time, she has NYSNC singer Lance Bass squarely in her crosshairs. “Apparently, @LanceBass—known to most of us as Justin Timberlake’s fourth back-up singer from decades past—has been going off about me on Facebook bc he thinks any black person that won’t support BLM ain’t black. Lance, you peaked in high school. Nobody cares what you think.”
She added, “Maybe when JT wins another lifetime achievement award, he’ll invite you sing back up again. Until then— why don’t shut up. My grandfather didn’t live through segregation so that one day a white boy could to tell me how to behave like a good little black girl. @LanceBass.” The singer didn’t take the comments lying down, and he made sure to let her know that he never made any such remarks.
“And for the record, I never and would never question the ‘blackness’ of any black person. Despite their viewpoints. I simply called her a fraud for these reasons…,” he wrote in the caption to an article that called Candace Owens a con-artist. “And btw, never once did I say a black person isn’t really black for not supporting #BLM. Again more lies coming from your end per usual. I simply stated that YOU promote racist ideologies that overtly diminish the black community to appeal to a white ignorant base. Clear now?”
“Oh and @RealCandaceO—it says more about you than me that your using this this ‘4th string has-been back up dancer’ to get attention for your book. And please, as if you didn’t have my poster on your wall. WE SEE YOU.” Check it all out below.