Watch Danny Elfman’s striking short film for new song ‘Love In The Time Of Covid’

Danny Elfman has shared a new song and short film, exploring the longing for intimacy in a pandemic – watch and listen to ‘Love In The Time Of Covid’ below.

The track follows the “alien orchestral chamber punk” of recent single ‘Sorry’ and “absurd anti-pop song” ‘Happy’, the composer’s first solo music in 36 years.

“There’s certainly nothing light-hearted or funny about Covid, but I can still poke a little fun at the crazy way social isolation has changed our lives in every way shape and form, and that’s what ‘Love In The Time of Covid’ is about,” Elfman explained of the new song in a press release.


Written “from the viewpoint of a young man going crazy in his apartment,” Elfman describes the track as “an expression of the borderline madness that so many of us have been experiencing. Lord knows I have.”

The song’s accompanying short film is directed by German filmmaker Sven Gutjahr and Elfman’s creative director Berit Gilma. It stars Scottish transgender performer Shrek 666, with Elfman making a number of cameos.

Speaking of the video, the composer added: “Creators Gutjahr and Gilma had the idea to turn the lead character into a green-skinned animal-like creature. As many us feel completely alienated in this insane new world we live in, and I thought it was an interesting idea.”

‘Love In The Time Of Covid’ was released today (February 11), and following the release of ‘Sorry’ on January 11, Elfman will release new music on the 11th of every month indefinitely moving forwards.


As he explained in a press release, the number 11 has special meaning to him, with “Elf” translating to 11 in German.