LUMP, the duo comprised of Laura Marling and Tunng’s Mike Lindsay, have shared new track ‘Climb Every Wall’. You can listen to their latest effort in full below.
The latest track from the pair comes after they returned last month to share ‘Animal’, the title track from their forthcoming second album which arrives on July 30 via Chrysalis/Partisan Records.
LUMP debuted in 2018, with Marling and Lindsay releasing the project’s eponymous debut album in June of that year.
Recorded at Lindsay’s home studio in Margate, Marling explained that working on ‘Animal’ provided a welcome release from recording her acclaimed 2020 solo album ‘Song For Our Daughter’.
“It became a very different thing about escaping a persona that has become a burden to me in some way,” she recalled in a press release about working on the new LUMP material.
“It was like putting on a superhero costume.”
Watch the video for ‘Climb Every Wall’ here:
As for the album’s lyrical content, Marling explained how it was inspired by a new-found interest in psychoanalysis.
“I was taking the train down and I had prepped by putting a glossary of words in the back of my notebook,” she said.
“Ordinary words that are used differently within psychoanalysis, like ‘object’ and ‘master’; I felt I needed something to base the lyrics off. I like the idea that psychoanalysis attempts to investigate the routes of desire.”
LUMP will take ‘Animal’ on tour in August and September, with all upcoming UK tour dates below.
31 – Gorilla, Manchester
2 – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds
3 – Trinity, Bristol
5 – Patterns, Brighton
6 – Scala, London