No matter what anyone can say about his personal life or past scandals, Chris Brown has a talent that’s unmatched. The singer has been involved in the music industry for nearly 20 years, and at 31-years-old, he’s considered a legend in the industry. His tens of millions of fans have made sure that everything he touches turns to gold, and he continues to dance his way into our hearts with a new challenge.

Chris Brown Kicks Off "#GoCrazyChallenge" From "Slime & B" Track
Jason Merritt / Staff / Getty Images

Chris Brown and Young Thug recently released their blazing joint mixtape Slime & B, and regardless of what the numbers may say, it’s certainly a fan favorite. The singer popped on Instagram today (May 20) to highlight the Slime & B track “Go Crazy,” and in true social media fashion, C. Breezy has issued the “#GoCrazyChallenge.” Like many of the online dance crazes of the past—we’re looking at you, Drake—Chris Brown has decided to show off his moves outside of a moving vehicle as he’s filmed through an open door. He doesn’t jump out of his vehicle like the other challenges we’ve seen, but the style is much the same.

We can only imagine what all the dancers out there have in store as they share their interpretations soon, so check out Chris Brown and his #GoCrazyDanceChallenge below.