K-Pop fans register thousands of fake tickets for half-empty Trump rally in Oklahoma

K-Pop fans online seemingly registered hundreds of thousands of fake tickets for a Donald Trump rally in Oklahoma this weekend.

Trump held a gathering in Tulsa yesterday (June 20), reporting before the event that a million people had registered for tickets.

The event was poorly attended, though, and as the New York Times report, the discrepancy of ticket requests to attendees likely came from an undercover campaign by K-Pop fans to sabotage the event.


The report says that K-pop fans and TikTok users worked together to register thousands of fake ticket requests for the Tulsa rally, with one organiser telling the NYT: “It spread mostly through Alt TikTok — we kept it on the quiet side where people do pranks and a lot of activism. K-pop Twitter and Alt TikTok have a good alliance where they spread information amongst each other very quickly. They all know the algorithms and how they can boost videos to get where they want.”

New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lauded the K-Pop fans and TikTokers for their work in registering the fake tickets, writing: “You just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID.”

The new stunt isn’t the first time K-Pop fans have turned political and used their vast numbers during the coronavirus pandemic.


Last month, as Black Lives Matter protests spread across the United States and the rest of the world, K-Pop fans flooded a new app set up by the Dallas Police Department, which encouraged members of the public to share videos of protestors with the police, with FanCam videos of their favourite K-Pop stars, causing the controversial app to crash.

K-Pop fans also drowned out the #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag on Twitter this month, using the same phrase but attaching nonsensical or anti-racist messages.
