It took Derek Chauvin 8 minutes and 46 seconds to end the life of George Floyd by forcefully pinning his knee against the man’s neck and back. In order to tribute the life of Floyd and all the countless others that have lost their lives to police violence and racism, children’s television network Nickelodeon went dark for the same amount of time last night.

Several networks, including BET, Comedy Central, VH1, and more, all stopped their regular programming for 8 minutes and 46 seconds on Monday evening. Nickelodeon issued a statement as to why they were participating.

Nickelodeon Blacks Out For 8 Minutes & 46 Seconds In George Floyd Protest
Frank Micelotta/Getty Images

“Nickelodeon is going off the air for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in support of justice, equality, and human rights,” wrote the children’s television channel on social media. They went off-air and showed their “Declaration of Kids’ Rights” on the screen.

“You have the right to be seen, heard, and respected as a citizen of the world,” read the text. “You have the right to a world that is peaceful. You have the right to be treated with equality, regardless of the color of your skin. You have the right to be protected from harm, injustice, and hatred. You have the right to an education that prepares you to run the world. You have the right to your opinions and feelings, even if others don’t agree with them.”

The move has been celebrated and criticized by parents, with some suggesting that it was inappropriate for a children’s station to do. Others are applauding Nickelodeon for taking such a loud stance against racial inequality during this time of need.
