The trailer for new avatar singing competition Alter Ego has been shared, featuring judges including Grimes, Alanis Morissette and Alter Ego, first announced back in July, is described as “the world’s first avatar singing competition series” and will make use of motion capture technology to present contestants...
ABBA have at long last announced their return, confirming details of a new album and “revolutionary” concert experience ABBA: VOYAGE – as well as releasing two brand new songs. ORDER NOW: Nick Cave is on the cover of the October 2021 issue of Uncut In...
A new, never-before-seen clip of Oasis playing at Knebworth in August 1996 was released yesterday (September 2). ORDER NOW: Nick Cave is on the cover of the October 2021 issue of Uncut The clip shows the group performing “Live Forever” during their iconic performance at...
Giana Caliolo wouldn’t be anywhere without their people. It’s a fact the musician and songwriter, who records under the moniker Calicoco, underscores during a recent hour-long conversation about Underneath, their loud, bold, and bloodletting new album out Friday (September 3) that was created with...
Pink Floyd release A Momentary Lapse Of Reason – Remixed & Updated on 29 October through Warner Music in the UK. ORDER NOW: Nick Cave is on the cover of the October 2021 issue of Uncut This edition has been upgraded from the original 1987...
“End Of The Road is one of the most beautiful festivals ever,” says John Grant, looking forward to his imminent return visit to Larmer Tree Gardens. “The crowd is really just heavy-duty music fans, and the setting is so special. I’m a tree freak,...
“And you know that I know that I can’t live without you.” With these words, Justin Bieber nudged ”Stay,” his collaboration with The Kid Laroi, into the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100, where it currently reigns at No. 1. And it’s just...
After his first debut release, “I’m In Love With Your Crazy Acapella,” Alex Jay is laying it on thick with his second song. Titled “L.O.L (Love or Lust),” this one is for the dancefloor. It presents pumping kicks and biting lyrics. The track stands...
Two days before she entered the studio to record her new album, Kacey Musgraves drove to a house outside Nashville, put on a blindfold and took a dose of psilocybin mushrooms. Her only sensory stimulation was a special playlist curated by neuroscientists at Johns...
Johnny Marr returns with new music. “Spirit, Power And Soul” is the first taster from his forthcoming double album and fourth solo full length record, titled Fever Dreams Pts 1-4. ORDER NOW: Nick Cave is on the cover of the October 2021 issue of Uncut...