Ever since the NBA shut down on March 11th, a lot has happened in the world. In terms of the Coronavirus, millions of people have been infected with it worldwide, and over 100,000 people in the United States have died from it. Meanwhile, over the past couple of weeks, protests have been going on all across the world following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police. 

Today, the Los Angeles Clippers released a powerful short film called “While We Were Away” which speaks on many of the events of the last three months. This film was narrated by Paul George and there are some very poignant lines that truly make you think and reflect on everything that is happening in the world right now.

“While we were away, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery were murdered,” George said. “Cause of death: another more familiar virus, centuries old.”

Basketball is set to come back on July 31st and for sports fans, the NBA is needed more than ever right now. Sports are a form of escapism and the hectic nature of the world has made escapism that much more important.

If you’re a Clippers fan, you can’t help but feel comforted by George’s presence on the team. It’s clear that he is a leader which is a quality you want come playoff time.