"Ant-Man & The Wasp" star Evangeline Lilly is choosing not to go into quarantine to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, and folks are not happy. Most of the world is doing the responsible thing right now and socially distancing themselves from others by staying at home to avoid spreading coronavirus, but not the former Lost star. Evangeline is, instead, going about her life business as usual, believing that the coronavirus panic has been blown out of proportion. The actress shared a photo of her tea cup, explaining that she is allowing her kids to continue their extracurricular activities despite the global pandemic, which has caused somewhat of an uproar on the Internet.
"Just dropped my kids off at gymnastics camp," she wrote on the post. "They all washed their hands before going in. They are playing and laughing. #businessasusual." She also replied to one of the few supportive comments, which said, "I think something is going on behind the scenes but that’s just me, every few years some disease come out quick then disappears as quick as it came." Evangeline agreed, writing, "there’s 'something' every election year."
Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney
Among the comments expressing outrage at Evangeline's carelessness, one concerned user called her irresponsible and urged her to "please stay at home with your family" in order to "flatten the curve and save lives." In response to the comment, she reduced the severity of the virus by calling it nothing but a "respiratory flu" and compared the worldwide response to the pandemic to "Marshall Law." She asked everyone to be "watchful and gracious" and make sure that our leaders "don’t abuse this moment to steal away more freedoms and grab more power.” Later in the same comment thread, she admitted that she herself is “immune compromised at the moment,” and that her own father is currently suffering from stage four leukemia.
David Livingston/Getty Images
"Some people value their lives over freedom," she wrote, "some people value freedom over their lives. We all make our choices.” Well, her choice has certainly garnered her some vicious backlash online, and it's honestly kind of hard to feel bad for someone so selfish.