Kodak Black says that he has been wildly mistreated in prison for the last several months and, from the looks of things, he’s probably not lying.
The rapper is currently serving his sentence for falsifying information on a gun application and, considering the fact that he’s a non-violent offender, people are enraged that he remains behind bars. To top it all off, he claims that he has been beaten by prison guards, restricted from seeing his family, barred from using his phone and email privileges, and more.

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Recently, a new photo of Kodak Black behind bars surfaced on the internet and it’s got people screaming “FREE THAT MAN” even louder than before.
In the shot, the 22-year-old rapper looks much older than he did stepping into prison, showcasing deep frown marks on his face. He’s seemingly also gained about twenty pounds. It’s hard to tell since he’s wearing a baggy jumpsuit but it looks like he’s been working out hard à la Gucci Mane with nothing else to do. Thankfully, his hair remains wild as it always has been.
People in the comments are making fun of Kodak for his appearance but, honestly, it’s just sad that a non-violent offender like him is still in prison during these trying times. Especially when the prison system was hit so hard by the virus. Free Kodak Black.