Many people throughout the United States are hurting right now due to the police killing of George Floyd in broad daylight. Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin used excessive force on Floyd and ultimately killed him. The entire act was caught on camera and the images of the tragedy have been embedded in the psyche of the American people. Justifiably, many are angry at what has transpired and protests are now going on all throughout the nation. 

After peaceful protests were not getting the job done, riots and acts of looting were committed. Some believe these acts are completely justified while conservative-leaning people such as the President and Tomi Lahren, are upset at what they are seeing. Today, Trump called the protesters “thugs” which is a word he never seems to use for white protesters. Not surprisingly, Lahren also used it while speaking on those who were voicing their displeasure with America’s institutions.

As one can imagine, Lahren caught quite a bit of flack for these tweets and justifiably so. At a time like this, you don’t want to be parroting the President, yet, here we are.

Meanwhile, some good news had come out today as it was revealed that the officer who killed Floyd, Derek Chauvin, has been arrested.