World sensation MAR recently shared her official debut, the single “QUÉDATE” and its gorgeous music video. The Latin pop queen is now touring all over Europe so make sure to catch her performance if you can!
“QUÉDATE” is a well-executed song that speaks to the appeal of emotions and the deep-running desire one can have toward a stranger. The beautiful young artist sings and dances on the white sandy beach in the music video as her eyes meet someone else’s, and their romance story begins. With mellow vibes and distinctly latin soundscapes, “QUÉDATE” seems to revolutionize the latin pop music scene, and we’re all for it.
“I was exposed to concerts, rehearsals, recordings, instruments, etc.,” MAR shares, “that was the great magnet and the ‘call’ that prompted me to start writing songs while taking my classes…I feel music deeply within my being and I am very excited to immerse myself in the unique language of each instrument and musical genre, I think we all have it inside.” Keep MAR on your radar and follow her on social media for more!