Offset has found a way to occupy himself while he and Cardi B are practicing social distancing, and it’s safe to say that he has no shortage of weed in quarantine. The Migo has reached peak levels of boredom being stuck inside with virtually nothing to do, and, as a result, has resorted to just rolling blunts nonstop like a madman. Cardi made sure to document her hubby’s newfound quarantine hobby, sharing some footage of Offset’s rolling activities on Instagram to entertain the rest of the world currently in isolation alongside them.

Cardi begins by telling us that Offset is, indeed, “so f*cking bored,” before panning the camera over to show us his growing stash. “Look how bored he is,” she observes. “Look how many blunts he rolled already. Back to back for no damn reason.” However, Offset gives her a perfectly valid reason for his incessant rolling: “Nothing else to do.” He’s not wrong. Staying home while the world tries to ward of coronavirus means there’s only so many things you can do to kill the time. You might as well be proactive and stock up. “Get a little high,” Offset continues. “Pre-roll these mother*ckas up.” Glad he’s finding ways to keep busy.